For many of us, the mysteries of the world are a source of unfailing intrigue and an opportunity for continual speculation. Sasquatch, 9/11, whether or not Tupac is really dead–these life mysteries may never be solved.
Luckily, one epic mystery of life has finally been cracked once and for all. Guys–surely you’ve pondered it–why do girls always go to the bathroom together?
Whatsgoodly, the social polling app that offers real insights into the college mind may have finally answered this age-old question for good.
The data doesn’t lie
A user from Dartmouth recently posted a poll that asked women, “Why do you all go to the bathroom together?”
Over 1,100 girls from across the country voted to give us insights into the female group bathroom behavior phenomenon. Surprisingly, 58% of users reported that their main reason for hanging out in the bathroom was to gossip, whereas 18% chimed in to vote for safety reasons.
However, the comments section of the poll really reveals the reason why girls go to the bathroom together.
User comments explain the mystery
Nearly 150 students upvoted this comment, which illustrates that going to the bathroom is really just an opportunity for some buzzed female shenanigans.
On the other hand, the true culprit behind girls’ togetherness bathroom vibes may actually be a hard case of FOMO, as one user suggested in the comments section.
Finally, the female restroom seems to represent something truly unique and sacred for women–the only place completely devoid of men. According to a user from Alabama, “the bathroom is the only public space we can be without men, really.”
So guys, don’t despair. The data doesn’t lie. A clear majority of women are going to the bathroom to gossip, and the comments section backs that up. In fact, they may even be going together to gossip about how they’re all madly in love with you. Or maybe it’s about your bad breath. To find out, all you need to do is ask Whatsgoodly ;).
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