There are some good problems to have in life, but they remain problems nonetheless. For instance, having so much money you need to work with an accountant to reduce your tax burden so you don’t pay through the nose for everything is a problem, but one that can be managed, and it’s a good one to have.
The same could be said for when moving house. If you’re heading to a better, larger, more suitable household in an area you want to start a new life in, that’s a great pursuit to follow, but the whole process is going to be a challenge as all house moves are.
But one thing that moving guides rarely talk about is that of vehicles. You may have two or more cars on your drive and perhaps not enough people to drive them for you. We’re going to assume that you’re driving at least one of the cars to the new house, but perhaps one is going with the removalist, or another is catching a flight to meet you there during those long trips, just in case the removalist arrives first. Maybe your car just doesn’t have its insurance in place, and of course, that’ll keep it on the drive.
What should you do with your car in the meantime? Well, there are various options. Consider the following:
Consider Long-Distance Towing
If you can’t or don’t want to drive your car to your new home, professional vehicle transport is a reliable option you can use for the most part. These services specialize in moving vehicles, often with enclosed carriers or open trailers too, so your car is protected.
This method is particularly useful for long-distance moves or if you’re transporting a classic or luxury car that needs extra care and simply can’t be exposed to attract attention, sometimes in a bad way.
Flatbed Towing
While you can still use this for longer distances, they’re often best for medium to shorter distances or when you need to move a car quickly. Flatbed towing is a great solution and entirely safe with a trusted service. This method involves placing your car on a flatbed trailer, keeping all four wheels off the ground, much cleaner than any other attachment method.
Flatbed towing is especially helpful if your car isn’t in working condition or if it’s not insured for a road trip, so many people use them for breakdowns to use an example. Many towing companies offer this service, and you can often arrange it on short notice if needed too, or use a specialized service to help you.
Store Your Car Temporarily
If moving your car right away isn’t feasible for the most part, storing it temporarily might be the best option for you. Thankfully there are plenty of secure storage facilities around, such as indoor garages or climate-controlled units, and they can keep your vehicle safe while you finalize your move.
Make sure to prepare your car before storage by filling the gas tank, disconnecting the battery, and covering it to protect against dust and dirt – so you don’t arrive to a dead car that you can’t do anything with and have to call breakdown cover for. That kind of removes the point of storage.
With this advice, we hope you can more easily manage your cars in a move, solving that good problem to have!