Being happy is a goal many people have. Getting to a happier mindset while living in a stressful world is not always easy or may feel unattainable. Try these tips to help you shift your outlook toward something better. While these are not all-encompassing ideas and they will not necessarily be the answer for everyone, they are helpful tips that can get you started on the path to a happier you.
Communicate with your partner.
This may seem easy – talking with your partner. Sure, you have daily conversations about the weather, where to eat dinner, and the traffic on your commute. But do you really communicate with one another?
Being open with another person means being vulnerable. It also requires talking about the tough stuff. Whether the topic is how you relate to one another’s family or what happens in intimate moments and the need for resources from, taking the time and making space to discuss important things can bring you closer together.
Take small steps instead of having one large discussion about every problem you see or concern you have. Use impactful “I” statements to explain your feelings instead of telling your partner what they did wrong. Take ownership of your feelings and actions and stay calm during these conversations. Mutual respect can go a long way toward fostering a better relationship.
Prioritize Self-Care.
Taking time to rest and relax without worrying about others is essential for a happy life. Make time for yourself. Focus on what you need, sometimes over the noise of others. And reach out for help when you need it.
Watch this video for six helpful self-care tips.
Pay attention to how you consume information.
Not all news is real news. Pay close attention to where you get your information. Ask yourself what the reporter stands to gain from sharing or spreading specific information. Does there seem to be a bias in how content is disseminated?
If the news of a specific incident plays over and over again, you may think things are worse than they actually are because you are consistently taking in more of the same, and your mind begins to think that more or similar incidents are occurring when, in fact, it only happened one time. Watching news where commentators dissect an act, decision, outcome, or event hour after hour is not helpful and is generally stress-inducing.
Work towards finding balanced news sources. If you cannot find any, take in the news from a source you feel good about, then go to what you believe is the opposite viewpoint. Listen and learn. Try to understand why someone might think something differently than you. It just might be because they watch a different news channel and they are told something with a different bent. At the end of the day, if you can view information with an open mind and turn it off every once in a while to live your life, you will feel less stress and worry.
Make the most of the life you have by being intentional and mindful in everything you do. From talking with your partner to making time to care for yourself and paying attention to the media you consume, you can live a happier life every day.